Nursing and Allied health services
The ODGP has been a leader in the delivery of Nursing and Allied health services in the Western region of NSW for many years. The Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSWPHN), Western NSW Local Health District and other Commonwealth and State Government agencies have invested in the ODGP Nursing and Allied Health workforce to deliver better access and improved health outcomes for communities in the outback.
We deliver Nursing and Allied Health Services across a range of programs, including the Chronic Disease and Prevention Services Program, the Mental Health Nursing in Practice (MHNIP) program, General Practice and outreach service programs. Our Nursing and Allied Health workforce includes Chronic Disease Practice Nurses, Aboriginal Health Workers, Podiatrists, Dietitians, Speech Pathologists and Mental Health Nurses.
We resource and provide the Nursing and Allied Health services to support and strengthen the delivery of GP led Multidisciplinary care, early intervention and prevention, child and maternal health, Disability and Aged Care.
The ODGP is committed to developing the regions local Primary Health Care workforce to improve access to high quality, integrative health care and better health outcomes of our rural and remote communities. We do so in close collaboration with General Practice, Aboriginal Community Health Care Organisation partners, Local Health District, other NGOs and Health care providers, Local Government and the social care sector.