Mental Health Nurses


Patient’s eligibility for the Mental Health Nurse In Practice (MHNIP) service requires a General Practitioner (GP) or Psychiatrist assessment and referral. See MHNIP referral and intake process for more detail.


Once a patient is deemed eligible, the mental health nurse will collaborate with the patient and the referring GP or psychiatrist to develop a Mental Health Treatment Plan. 


The MHNIP service provides a standardised intake and triage process, aligned with Western Local Health District mental health protocols, ensuring all referrals are addressed within appropriate timeframes.


Patients who don’t meet the eligibility requirements of the service will be provided with other service or referral options.


Where appropriate, ODGP utilises telehealth services to overcome barriers to delivery of outreach care.


To find out more about the ODGP Mental Health Nurse Services to obtain information regarding our providers in your community, please contact the Outback Division of General Practice in Bourke on 02 68 724 777.


Please note - anyone living in Australia can call the confidential Head to Health phone line on 1800 595 212 (8:30am - 5pm weekdays) for assistance about how to access mental health and well-being services, including the MHNIP.